Welcome to the workshop 👋🏼

The objective of this workshop is to have the attendee build a full React application using Redux state management, GraphQL API integration, and deploying the application to Kubernetes on the IBM Cloud.

The workshop will be broken up into several chapters, each one covering a different topic to guide the attendee to build the final application. Each chapter is broken up into sections, which contain steps to complete the chapter. Each chapter can either be completed individually or in groups. If an attendee gets lost at any time, the completed code for each chapter is provided in the repo.

App Content

We will be building a Pokemon app! Our app will be calling the Pokedex API to get a list of Pokemon then the user will be able to add Pokemon to their Pokedex.

Workshop gif

Workshop Content

  • Chapter 1: Build the app boilerplate
    • Basic introduction to app's code structure and building the boilerplate code
  • Chapter 2: Build Pokemon card view
    • Build the Pokemon container and Card component to list the Pokemon information
  • Chapter 3: Pull in data from Pokemon API using GraphQL
    • Use GraphQL to query Pokemon API and pass down real data to the containers and components
  • Chapter 4: Create Pokedex container with Redux state management
    • Use Redux to store and populate the Pokedex container
  • Chapter 5: Deploy app on Kubernetes
    • Deploy app on Kubernetes on the IBM Cloud

Extra Content

Due to lack of time, we will not be able to complete the next sections but these are available if you'd like to learn more or complete at a different time.

  • Istio: Introducing Istio
    • Introduce Istio and provide external workshop information


Hi, my name is Rizchel Dayao and I've created this workshop for FullStack London 2018. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at rdayao@us.ibm.com or on Twitter @rizcheldayao.